Vol - 28, Issue - 10
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 28, Issue - 10]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-10-11-2021-1053
Total View : 449

Abstract : To study and compare the results of abdominal wall incision closure by stapler or suture based on time required for closure, post operative complications (infection, dehiscence), cosmesis, patient satisfaction. This was a study done among the patients admitted for elective abdominal surgery in tertiary care hospital. Out of 60 patients, 30 underwent skin closure with staples and the remaining 30 with sutures. The study participants are evaluated and recorded various variables like infection, dehiscence, satisfaction etc. The data was coded and entered in Microsoft excel and then analyzed using statistical software, SSPS. The time for wound closure was significantly lesser in the staples group than the suture group. Wound complication was present in 3 of cases in the staples group and in 11 of cases in the suture group. Good cosmetic appearance was present in 80% of the staples group and 60% of the sutures group Discomfort in suture removal was present only in 16% of the cases when staples were used against 86% when sutures were used. 80% of the patients were satisfied in staples group against 60% in the suture group. All the above mentioned variables were found to statistically significant. Staples were superior to sutures with respect to time for closure of the wound, occurrence of lesser complications (infections, dehiscence), better cosmetic outcome, less discomfort during suture removal. All the above led to a satisfied patient.

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