Vol - 29, Issue - 04
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 29, Issue - 04]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-23-03-2022-1340
Total View : 428

Abstract : Guided imagery is now finding widespread scientific and public recognition. Guided imagery is being used to teach psychophysiological relaxation, alleviate anxiety and depression, relieve physical and psychophysiological symptoms, overcome health-endangering habits, resolve conflicts, help patients prepare for surgery and tolerate procedures more comfortably. Quasi-experimental research was conducted to assess the outcome of the guided imagery on pain perception among post caesarean mothers. Non-randomized non-equivalent control group design was adopted for the survey among 60 post caesarean mothers, selected using a non-probability purposive sampling technique. The tools used were Socio-demographic Proforma, Clinical variable and Numerical Pain Intensity Scale. Guided imagery was administered to the experimental group for 20 minutes for three days. The analysis results showed that the mean difference of pain in the experimental group was 2.83 with S.D. 0.65, significantly higher than the mean difference of pain in the control group 1.37 with S.D. 0.51, with a difference in a mean difference of 1.46. The calculated 't' value of 7.89 was more than the table value (2.001) with the degree of freedom 58 at 0.01 level of significance, which was highly significant. Thus, guided imagery effectively reduced the pain perception among post caesarean mothers in the experimental group. The study's findings have implications in nursing practice, education, administration and research.

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