Vol - 28, Issue - 04
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[This article belongs to Volume - 28, Issue - 04]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-07-08-2021-833
Total View : 769

Abstract : <p>Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is an autologously derived biological product from a sample of the patient&rsquo;s blood. The obtained product after centrifugation consists of a plasma fraction with a platelet concentration higher than that in circulating blood. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) gel is a type of advanced wound therapy of fairly recent interest used for both chronic and acute wounds across various branches of medicine. It is rich in cytokines, growth factors, and chemokines. Not only does it form a fibrin scaffold, accelerating wound healing but also confers antibiotic properties. The well-orchestrated mechanism and products of platelet activation are responsible for these properties. In our study, we discuss a series of 30 cases of wound of varying etiologies wherein PRP gel prepared using cost effective methods was used. Our study included wounds of various etiologies wherein, 8 (26.67%) were diabetic wounds, 8 (26.67%) were due to venous insufficiency, 5 (16.67%) were post-surgical wounds, 6 (20%) were traumatic ulcers and 3 (10%) were pressure ulcers. The mean wound contraction rates achieved after 4 weeks was found to be 91.53%. Autologous PRP seems to be a safe and cost effective biological agent which can be used for treatment of small ulcers of various etiologies with good wound contraction rates.</p>

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