Vol - 29, Issue - 05
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[This article belongs to Volume - 29, Issue - 05]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-10-05-2022-1431
Total View : 418

Abstract : Based on an extreme exceptional case, we report a patient with an infected aortobifemoral prosthesis extending into the aortic into the aortic anastomosis as well as arterial hemorrhage at both groins. The successful course is shown with first reconstruction in the history of vascular surgery by technically sophisticated vascular surgical reconstruction and high expertise as well as excellent planning is presented. The case of a 52-year-old patient with arterial hemorrhage in both groins and Z. n. placement of an aortobifemoral prosthesis 4 years ago and infection of the same is reported, who required multiple procedures until final aortobifemoral reconstruction. This patient required Whipple surgery 6 years ago. After successful bifemoral decompression with placement of two redon drains and observation for10 days, extra anatomical reconstruction with Omniflow-2 prosthesis was performed. Fourteen days postoperatively, the first occlusion appeared on the right and once on the left. After three thrombectomies of the right aortobifemoral prosthesis, the exceptional single reconstruction aortobifemoral with already lying extra anatomical axillo-bifemoral prosthesis with repair of both prosthesis after previous transection at the level of the nipple on both sides and redirection of the same from subcutaneous to intra-abdominal at the level of the inguinal ligament and anastomosis both Omniflow prostheses extra corporal and reinforcement of the anastomosis with a biopatch (bovine pericardium). Connection of the Omniflow prosthesis after previous Y-reconstruction to the aorta. No postoperative bleeding or occlusion. no occlusions. The excellent exemplary case illustrates the individual therapeutic the individual therapeutic chances and potentials of new use of prosthetic materials. reuse of prosthetic materials with safe reconstruction and avoidance of new avoidance of new infections or bleeding with extreme experience and expertise in aortic and expertise in the aorto-illiaco-femorocrural sections. In addition, the case shows that the possibilities of an aorto-bifemoral reconstruction after an aorto-bifemoral prosthetic bypass is very important for the survival of the patient. The exclusion of re-infection of this reconstruction could be demonstrated by prior extra anatomic implantation of Omniflow prostheses showed that the adhesion of the prosthesis with the tissue so that the aorto-bifemoral reconstruction without opening the groin has a high survival rate. represents a high survival rate. Furthermore, the case shows that a reconstruction with Omniflow prosthesis can also withstand the high pressure of the aorta.

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