Vol - 28, Issue - 10
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 28, Issue - 10]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-28-10-2021-1027
Total View : 433

Abstract : Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is defined as rapidly progressive necrosis of subcutaneous tissues and deep fascia planes resulting in superficial skin gangrene and severe systemic infection. Although rare, when it sets in it rapidly progresses and is associated with more morbidity and mortality. The mortality rate of the same ranges from 8.7% to 76% with median value 32.2%. Timely and appropriate intervention is required to decrease morbidity and mortality. This was a prospective study of 100 cases of Soft Tissue Infections admitted during the period August 2018 to March 2020. Patients with Soft tissue infections satisfying inclusion criteria, attending Surgery OPD were included. Data was entered in proforma, tabulated and analysed using software package of statistical analysis (SPSS 17.0). The mean age was 52.3 years. Diabetes mellitus was the most common co-morbidity (40 cases). 76% of patients were categorized as low risk 12% as intermediate risk and 12% as high risk for progression to Necrotizing Fasciitis. 44 Patients of low-risk category had their soft tissue infection improved with IV antibiotics, anti- inflammatory measures, limb elevation, surgical debridement and skin grafts. 10 patients of Intermediate risk were improved and there was no morbidity or mortality. 6 patients in High-risk category improved with multiple surgical debridement along with graft application, 4 Patients required amputation, 2 were dead. Early diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis is essential to advocate timely management for the better wellbeing of patient. LRINEC -score is based on routine laboratory investigations that are readily available, at most centres that can help distinguish Necrotizing Fasciitis from other soft tissue infections.

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