Vol - 28, Issue - 07
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 28, Issue - 07]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-10-08-2021-879
Total View : 9

Abstract : <p>Osteoporosis is the major problem worldwide. Though it affects both the gender, women are the most commonly affecting group due to their physiological differences. This study protocol is designed to evaluate the effect of lifestyle modification intervention programme on quality of life, bone health status, physical function capacity and medication adherence among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. A mixed Method approach adopting a Sequential explanatory design is proposed for this study. The study will be carried out in two phases. The randomized control trial in the phase 1 includes postmenopausal women of age group 45-65 years with the Bone mineral density scores between -1 and -3. The participants are further categorized into experimental and control group. The experimental group will receive interventions on lifestyle modifications whereas control group will continue with the standard care. Quality of life is the primary outcome measure and bone mineral density; physical functional capacity and the medication adherence are the secondary outcome measures. Follow up is done at 3 months and 6 months followed by that qualitative data from the sub-sample of the main sample related to the experiences living with osteoporosis while undergoing the Lifestyle Modification Intervention Program will be collected in phase 2. If the lifestyle modification in this study shows positive outcomes, it may be amalgamated in standard patient care. Since pharmacological therapies often have the risk of side effects and are expensive, more complications can be avoided if patients adopt lifestyle changes as their way of life.</p>

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