Vol - 25, Issue - 3
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 25, Issue - 3]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-01-03-2020-308
Total View : 108

Abstract : Retrospective studies of facial injuries can provide database records that assist healthcare providers and related authorities in adopting justified policies for preventing, minimising and treating facial injuries. This review study aimed to evaluate maxillofacial fractures with respect to; etiological factors, patterns of fractures, treatment modalities, and treatment complications of patients sustained maxillofacial injuries in the Misan governorate of Iraq. The study reviewed 108 charts of patients admitted to the maxillofacial department at Al-Sadr teaching hospital between August 2015 to August 2017. Data was categorised into groups including; gender, age groups, ethological factors, patterns of fractures, treatment modalities, and complications. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test (p<0.05). The findings indicated that the most significant factors associated with maxillofacial fractures were attributed to road traffic accidents. Moreover, the mandible was more significantly fractured compared to other facial bones. Treatment with closed reduction was significantly more common than treatment with open reduction. Malocclusion was the most frequent complication compared to non-union and infection. In conclusion, road traffic accidents are the major causes of maxillofacial fractures in Misan governorate during the study period. Most of these fracturs affected the mandible whilst closed reduction was the main treatment strategy of choice. Complications were limited to malocclusion, non-union, and infection

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