Vol - 25, Issue - 2
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[This article belongs to Volume - 25, Issue - 2]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-04-02-2020-200
Total View : 100

Abstract : Nocturnal enuresis is one of the most common problems among children, which can be along with family concerns and mental disorders. Although the cause of nocturnal enuresis is not well identified, but one of the discussed causes is Adenotonsillar hypertrophy, which causes upper airway obstruction and sleep apnea in 3-10 years old children. The present study is a cross-sectional-descriptive-analytical study, which performed in Khatamolanbia Hospital in Zahedan. The study sample consisted of 250 children with Adenotonsillar hypertrophy, who ranged in age from 3 to 10 years. Data analysis were done using descriptive statistics including statistical tables and charts and analytical analyzes by chi-square test. Among the 250 patients with Adenotonsillar hypertrophy with an average age of 2.40 ± 6.43, 64.4% of patients had nocturnal enuresis. There was a significant relationship between the severity of tonsillar hypertrophy and nocturnal enuresis at Brodsky scale (P <0.001). Also, family history is one of the factors that affecting the nocturnal enuresis of children (001/0> P). The reviews showed well that nocturnal enuresis is highly prevalent in children with Adenotonsillar hypertrophy and those children whose parents had a history of nocturnal enuresis in childhood, are more likely to suffer from this problem

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