Vol - 25, Issue - 4
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[This article belongs to Volume - 25, Issue - 4]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-14-03-2020-345
Total View : 142

Abstract : The state of hemolysis in newborns has a variety of causes. One of them is due to the immunological reactions of the mother's erythrocytes antibodies to the baby's erythrocytes antigens. The hemolysis can occur after the baby born. This condition is called the hemolysis of a newborn with clear clinical or laboratory findings. The following case showed minimal signs that needed further discussion. This following case was a 2-days-old infant with jaundice and anemia confirmed by a physical examination. Laboratory results found a decreased hemoglobin concentration, increased indirect bilirubin, non-reactive CRP, B Rh-positive blood group, negative Coombs test and negative antibody screening result. The peripheral blood smear showed mild anemia. Mother's blood group was O Rh-positive. The doctors programmed a blood transfusion, but the crossmatch results from various blood bags corresponding to the infant's blood group showed positive major incompatibility results. The diagnosis of hemolytic newborns with minimal signs was made. Blood transfusions are not carried out in this case, but monitoring was required to see the hemolytic state of the infant. Administering corticosteroid therapy is recommended as a first step towards this situation. The hemolytic state of newborns needs a complete clinical and laboratory examination to conclude the diagnosis carefully and cautiously

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