Vol - 29, Issue - 06
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 29, Issue - 06]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-16-06-2022-1482
Total View : 364

Abstract : This study was an observational study to study the socio-demographic profile of the patients having hydrocele and its impact on sexual life in a tertiary hospital in central India. This study was an observational study with a. qualitative component of focussed group discussion conducted with the married patients having hydrocele in the department of General surgery in a tertiary care hospital in central India from 1st January 2022 to 31th March, 2022. A total of 40 married male patients were studied in total. They were divided in a group of 8 patients each for a focussed group discussion. The mean age of the patients was 40.2 years. Out of the 40, 15 patients had yellow ration card i.e. belonging to lower socio economic status while 15 had saffron ration card and only 10 had white ration card. Majority of the population was Hindu (40%) followed by Muslims (25%), Buddhist (25%) and 10% were Christians, Sikhs and Jains. Majority of the population was educated up to 10th standard while 15% were illiterate. 30 patients were able to get morning erections on a regular basis and indulged in masturbation regularly. These males were then included in the future study. 21 patients (70%) complained of dissatisfaction in sexual life and 15 patients (50%) complained of pain in scrotum during sexual intercourse. 6 patients (20%) were asked to get operated for hydrocele by their wives. Hydrocele has significant impact on sexual life of patients and care should be taken to prevent the preventable causes like filariasis.

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