Vol - 25, Issue - 1
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[This article belongs to Volume - 25, Issue - 1]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-10-01-2020-133
Total View : 377

Abstract : Mangrove leaf is one of the plants that grow in the waters of the island of Java that has potential as a medical plant. There have been many people living around the cultivation of mangrove leaves who have used mangrove leaves as a medicine that is to treat pain. One type of mangrove species that has potential as a medicinal plant is the <em>Acanthus illicifolius</em> mangrove. However, the use of mangrove leaves for treatment has not yet found as an easy and practical dosage form. People only use it by pounding it and affixing it to the sick part. This study aims to determine the nanoemulsion gel formulation of mangrove leaf extracts with a comparison of Na CMC concentrations so that easily used by the public. This research is an experimental study comparing the concentration of the gelling agent as the basis for making nanoemulsion gels. This study used three formulations of nanoemulsion gel preparations namely Na CMC 3%, Na CMC 4%, and Na CMC 5%. The results of this study are seen from the organoleptic test that nanoemulsion gel using 3% Na CMC produced a too runny preparation and 5% Na CMC preparations that were produced were too thick so that resulting preparation could not be tested for the physical properties of the preparations. For preparations that use 4%, Na CMC produce is good manufacturing product of nanoemulsion gel, so that it’s proceeded to the stages of testing the physical properties of nanoemulsion gel preparations

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