Vol - 25, Issue - 12
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 25, Issue - 12]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-01-12-2020-678
Total View : 456

Abstract : Third molar impactions and its sequelae is one of the commonest reasons for seeking dental treatment. This study aimed to investigate third molar impaction using a digital panorama. This was a retrospective study carried out from April 2017- March 2020. Panoramic analysis of all patients that presented for oral treatment and having impacted third molars were reviewed. A total of 2,021 panoramic were screened and 530 panoramas with impacted third molars selected. The classification of the third molars were based on Winter’s and Pell and Gregory’s classifications. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS software version 25 for IOS (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). A total of 2,021 panoramic x-rays were screened and 530 panoramas with impacted molars was selected giving a prevalence rate of 26.5%. The 530 patients had a total of 1,481 (69.8%) impacted third molars (n=2120 (530x4)). There are 298 males and 232 females with a M: F of 1.3:1. MeanSD age was (28.57.14) years. Age range 20-25 years had the highest cases of with 209 (39.4%) patients. Tooth number 48 was the most frequently impacted with 436 (29.4%) cases (n=1481). Mesioangular impaction was the commonest with 600 (40.5%) cases. The majority of the impacted third molars were in Class 2 ramus relationship (571 (38.6%)) and Level I dept (674 (45.5%)). Prevalence was high from the current study (26.5%) and mesioangular impactions was the commonest spatial relationship. Class 2 Level 1 was the most common ramus and dept relationships.

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