Vol - 25, Issue - 6
About the Journal
[This article belongs to Volume - 25, Issue - 6]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-29-05-2020-484
Total View : 292

Abstract : Patients with rheumatic diseases are the subject of a special concern in the era of COVID-19, since they are prone to a more severe and complicated viral illness. Early in the pandemic, rheumatologists and patients inquired whether to continue/ temporarily stop immunosuppressants including biologics, and what to do if patients are exposed/infected with COVID-19. So far, unfortunately no evidence-based international or local guidelines are available to address these issues. A group of rheumatologists drafted a set of recommendations and these are subjected/ agreed upon by experts from rheumatology societies that operates under the umbrella of Arab League Associations for Rheumatology. It is recommended that commitment to the protective measures endorsed by the (WHO) is the gold standard in the prevention and that immunosuppressants should not be stopped routinely. The recommendations give detailed advices about arranging routine clinic work and how to handle patients and medications in case of exposure/ infection by COVID-19. Suspected patients to have COVID-19 should follow the local protocol adapted by the country to call the pandemic hotline or attend the COVID-19 checkup points in healthcare facilities to be treated according to severity. It’s important to acknowledge that these recommendations are written according the currently available evidence, and might be updated according to the available data in the future

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