Vol - 30, Issue - 01
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[This article belongs to Volume - 30, Issue - 01]
International Medical Journal
Journal ID : IMJ-28-12-2022-1574
Total View : 421

Abstract : Vasaprevia is a condition where vessels passing from the fetus to the placenta that is not protected by placental tissue or the channel, pass as regards to the cervix. These blood vessels are very delicate and may get torn during labour. Significant perinatal mortality and morbidity are associated with this obstetric condition. Placental abnormalities, like velamentous cord insertion, can occur with vasaprevia. Vessels from the umbilical cord instead of directly into the placenta go through a part of the chorionic membrane in velamentous cord insertion. Therefore more chances of fetal haemorrhage are observed during the rupture of fetal membranes as the blood vessels are not protected by Wharton's jelly around the cord. About 1/2500 to 1/5000 deliveries exhibit a prevalence of vasaprevia. If vasa previa is not diagnosed before birth may result in a fetal mortality rate nearly approaching 60%. Presenting a case of vasa previa diagnosed on placental examination after cesarean section indicated for antepartum haemorrhage. A 23-year-old, G2P1L1, 32weeks 4days, previous LSCS with DCDA twins who had antepartum haemorrhage (APH), underwent emergency LSCS at our institution and was subsequently diagnosed to posses vasa previa on placental examination. Two healthy babies were successfully delivered. This is a report on our management of a case of Antepartum haemorrhage because of vasaprevia.

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